Cheap Device Reduces Premature Births

A cheap medical device can dramatically reduce the number of premature births in some at-risk women, according to a team of doctors in Spain.

Being born before 34 weeks of pregnancy is linked to a host of health problems.

The study, published in the Lancet, showed that using a “cervical pessary” reduced the rate in the at-risk group. Doctors said more studies were needed before the technique was used routinely.

A cheap medical device can dramatically reduce the number of premature births in some at-risk women, according to a team of doctors in Spain, pregnancy, health, Lancet, cervical pessary, doctors, cervix, ultrasound scan, Maria Goya, researchers at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Prof Steve Thornton of the University of Exeter, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Drs Steve Caritis and Hyagriv Simhan, Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh,

Cheap Device Reduces Premature Births

The authors said 13 million babies were born prematurely every year.

In the trial, doctors were looking at women who had a cervix – part of the lower section of the uterus – which was shorter than 25mm. These pregnant women are thought to be at a higher risk of an early delivery.

The cervix was measured between 18 and 22 weeks into the pregnancy by an ultrasound scan. Of the 11,875 women who took part in the trial, 726 had a cervical length less than 25mm. Half of these women had a pessary, a small ring of silicone, inserted into their cervix.

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Pretty Amazing

In the group of women without the pessary, 27% of babies were born prematurely. The rate was six per cent among those fitted with a pessary.

Maria Goya, one of the researchers at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital, said: “Placement of a pessary is an affordable procedure, non-invasive, and easy to insert and remove as required.”

The study concluded the pessary was a “reliable alternative for prevention of preterm birth” in a group of at-risk women.

Prof Steve Thornton of the University of Exeter, a spokesman for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: “The difference in the two groups is pretty amazing.”

He said more research was needed to prove that it worked, and to find out if it could help other women at risk of a premature birth. “If this is borne out it could make a big difference,” he added.

Drs Steve Caritis and Hyagriv Simhan, of the Magee Women’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, said the findings had “renewed enthusiasm for the cervix as a therapeutic target” in preventing premature births.

However, they warned that few women had a short cervical length, which made “this screening approach fairly inefficient”. They added: “Additional well-designed studies are needed before pessary use can be validated as an effective treatment.”

Source: BBC News UK

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Gene Clue to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Risk

Susceptibility to post-traumatic stress disorder could be partially determined by gene variants, says a study.

A US team looked at the DNA from 200 members of 12 families who survived the 1988 Armenian earthquake. It found those who carried two gene variants which affect the production of serotonin – which affects mood and behaviour – were more likely to display symptoms of PTSD.

Gene clue to post-traumatic stress disorder risk, gene variants, DNA, symptoms of PTSD, Journal of Affective Disorders, natural disaster or because of child abuse or sexual assault, flashbacks, feeling emotionally numb or hyper-alert to danger, Trauma, Armenian earthquake, Armenia, Soviet Union, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers, TPH1 and TPH2, Armen Goenjian, a research professor of psychiatry, serotonin, Psychologist Dr Jennifer Wild, antidepressants SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors),

Gene Clue to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Risk

The research is published in Journal of Affective Disorders.

PTSD can arise after any kind of experience that causes trauma, whether that be in war, after a natural disaster or because of child abuse or sexual assault.

Symptoms can include flashbacks, feeling emotionally numb or hyper-alert to danger, and avoiding situations that act as reminders of the original trauma.

It is estimated that up to 3% of the general population is likely to be affected by PTSD at some point.

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Screening Hope

The Armenian earthquake, which had a magnitude of 7.1, occurred on 7 December 1988. It hit the northern part of Armenia, which was then part of the Soviet Union. It killed at least 25,000 people.

All those who took part in the study had experienced the earthquake, 90% saw dead bodies and 92% saw people who had been seriously injured.

They also undertook a recognised assessment to evaluate what, if any, PTSD symptoms they had experienced.

When the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers analysed the Armenian families’ DNA, they saw that those who had experienced more PTSD symptoms were more likely to have two specific gene variants – TPH1 and TPH2.

Dr Armen Goenjian, a research professor of psychiatry who led the work, said: “We suspect that the gene variants produce less serotonin, predisposing these family members to PTSD after exposure to violence or disaster. Our next step will be to try and replicate the findings in a larger, more heterogeneous population.”

But he said that, if larger studies did confirm the finding, they could eventually lead to new ways to screen people at risk of PTSD, and target specific medicines for preventing and treating the disorder.

Dr Goenjian added: “A diagnostic tool based upon TPH1 and TPH2 could enable military leaders to identify soldiers who are at higher risk of developing PTSD, and reassign their combat duties accordingly. Our findings may also help scientists uncover alternative treatments for the disorder, such as gene therapy or new drugs that regulate the chemicals responsible for PTSD symptoms.”

Depression Link

Psychologist Dr Jennifer Wild, who is an expert in PTSD, said the finding was significant, but it would be “premature” to give it too much emphasis.

She added: “The link between the gene variant and PTSD is strong, which is promising in terms of guiding future research and possibly leading to a genetic screening test. But the gene variant discovered in the study only accounted for a small proportion of PTSD symptoms in sufferers. Psychological factors, such as past history of trauma or a trait called neuroticism, tend to predict PTSD with much greater precision and they are less costly to assess.”

And she said that the fact people were asked to think back to their experiences – rather than studied while they were experiencing them – was also problematic.

The commonly used antidepressants SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) improve mood by prolonging the effect of serotonin in the brain by slowing its absorption by brain cells.

But Dr Wild said the recommended treatment for PTSD was psychological therapy, and that SSRIs were not recommended in the UK for PTSD treatment.

Source: BBC News

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UK Biobank Opens to Researchers

The UK Biobank, the most comprehensive health study in the UK, is opening its doors to researchers.

It has collated about 20TB (terabytes) of securely stored data, the equivalent of 30,000 CDs-worth, on 500,000 people.

The aim of the biobank is to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

The UK Biobank, the most comprehensive health study in the UK, is opening its doors to researchers, 20TB terabytes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, heart disease, cancer,  diabetes, England's chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, blood pressure, pulse rate, height, weight, body fat and lung function, and provided blood, saliva and urine samples, Professor Sir Rory Collins, principal investigator at the biobank, Prof Dame Sally Davies, chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser at the Department of Health, The biobank is funded by the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, Department of Health, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the British Heart Foundation,

England’s chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, said the UK Biobank would be a “globally unique resource”.

The biobank began recruiting participants three years ago, and was open to people aged 40 to 69.

Each answered questions on their health, lifestyle, diet, memory, work and family history.

They also had a range of measurements taken, including blood pressure, pulse rate, height, weight, body fat and lung function, and provided blood, saliva and urine samples.

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Very exciting day

About 26,000 people with diabetes, 50,000 with joint disorders, 41,000 teetotallers and 11,000 heart attack patients are taking part.

Participants’ health will be followed over many years.

It is about to undertake repeat measures of 20,000 participants from the Manchester area, and later this year it will ask participants to wear an activity monitor for one week.

It has also been overseeing a diet questionnaire, which has been filled in by 400,000 participants.

The hope is that the UK Biobank will allow scientists to investigate why some people develop particular diseases in middle age while others do not, with the hope of developing new treatments and prevention strategies.

It will be open to researchers from the UK and abroad, who will be able to use the – anonymised – data in their work.

Professor Sir Rory Collins, principal investigator at the biobank, said: “This is without doubt a very exciting day for medical research, not just in the UK but around the world. We are grateful to participants for their trust and support so far. But they have not joined the project to see it remain idle; we all want to see the resource used extensively to bring about benefits to health and wellbeing.”

Prof Dame Sally Davies, chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser at the Department of Health, said: “UK Biobank is a globally unique resource which places the UK at the forefront of the quest to understand why some people develop life-threatening diseases or debilitating conditions.

“It has huge potential for future generations and will help us understand how our children and our children’s children can live longer, healthier lives.”

The biobank is funded by the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, Department of Health, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the British Heart Foundation.

Source: BBC News UK

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Listening to Music makes Surgery less Stressful

Playing music to patients while they go under the knife reduces their anxiety and may even aid healing, surgeons say.

Easy listening tracks and chart hits can have a calming effect on patients who are awake for surgery under local anaesthetic, a team at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford found.

Listening to the radio also helped.

Playing music to patients while they go under the knife reduces their anxiety and may even aid healing, surgeons say, tracks, chart hits, local anaesthetic, John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons, Hazim Sadideen, a plastic surgical registrar, surgeons, theatre staff,

Listening to Music makes Surgery less Stressful

Their small study, published in Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons, tracked the progress of 96 patients having minor surgery at the hospital.

Half of the patients were played music – broadcast by a radio station or from a selection of tunes on a CD chosen by the surgical staff – while the other half had their operation under the usual ‘hushed’ conditions.

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Dulcet Tones

After the surgery was completed the patients, some elective and some emergency cases, were asked to rate how anxious they had felt during the operation.

The group played music scored about a third less on anxiety levels and were also noted to have more relaxed breathing patterns during the surgery – an average of 11 breaths per minute compared to 13 breaths per minute in the non-music group.

This ties in with past studies have which have shown music may help ease pain and can help hospital patients on ventilators breathe more easily.

Experts know that stress can have a negative impact on surgical outcomes and prolong the healing process.

Hazim Sadideen, a plastic surgical registrar who led the study, said more work was now needed to establish whether the use of music in operating theatres should become standard practice.

“Undergoing surgery can be a stressful experience for patients and finding ways of making them more comfortable should be our goal as clinicians. There are also good medical reasons – calmer patients may cope better with pain and recover quicker.”

Music might also lead to a happier, calmer surgeons and theatre staff, the researchers suggest.

 Source: BBC News UK

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US Face Transplant gives Man new Jaw, Teeth and Tongue

US doctors have carried out what they say is the most extensive face transplant ever performed.

The operation at the University of Maryland gave Richard Norris a new face, including jaw, teeth and tongue.

US face transplant gives man new jaw, teeth and tongue, University of Maryland, gun accident, Iraq and Afghanistan, US Navy, Eduardo Rodriguez, spain, surgeon, surtgery,

US Face Transplant gives Man new Jaw, Teeth and Tongue

The 37-year-old has lived as a recluse for 15 years after being severely injured in a gun accident, and wore a mask whenever he went outside.

The surgery was funded by the US Navy, which hopes the techniques will help casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Surgeons who carried out the 36-hour operation say it was part of a series of transplant operations lasting 72 hours, using organs from one donor in five patients including Mr Norris.

He lost his lips and nose in the accident, and only had limited movement of his mouth.

The lead surgeon says Mr Norris will now get his life back.

“Our goal is to restore function as well as have aesthetically pleasing results,” said Eduardo Rodriguez.

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The team at the University of Maryland say Mr Norris is now brushing his teeth and shaving, and has regained his sense of smell.

The US government estimates that 200 wounded troops might be eligible for face transplants.

The first face transplant was performed in France in 2005, on a woman who was mauled by her dog.

In 2010 surgeons in Spain carried out the world’s first full face transplant.

Source: BBC News UK

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Chocolate May Help Keep People Slim

People who eat chocolate regularly tend to be thinner, new research suggests.

The findings come from a study of nearly 1,000 US people that looked at diet, calorie intake and body mass index (BMI) – a measure of obesity.

It found those who ate chocolate a few times a week were, on average, slimmer than those who ate it occasionally.

Even though chocolate is loaded with calories, it contains ingredients that may favour weight loss rather than fat synthesis, scientists believe.

Despite boosting calorie intake, regular chocolate consumption was related to lower BMI in the study, which is published in Archives of Internal Medicine.

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The link remained even when other factors, like how much exercise individuals did, were taken into account.

And it appears it is how often you eat chocolate that is important, rather than how much of it you eat. The study found no link with quantity consumed.

According to the researchers, there is only one chance in a hundred that their findings could be explained by chance alone.

People who eat chocolate regularly tend to be thinner, new research suggests, body mass index (BMI) - a measure of obesity, fat synthesis, weight loss, Internal Medicine, excercise, Dr Beatrice Golomb, from the University of California at San Diego, calories, dark chocolate, antioxidants, free radicals, chemicals, catechins, epicatechin, chocolate bar,

Chocolate May Help Keep People Slim

Lead author Dr Beatrice Golomb, from the University of California at San Diego, said: “Our findings appear to add to a body of information suggesting that the composition of calories, not just the number of them, matters for determining their ultimate impact on weight.”

This is not the first time scientists have suggested that chocolate may be healthy for us.

Other studies have claimed chocolate may be good for the heart.

Consumption of certain types of chocolate has been linked to some favourable changes in blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and cholesterol level.

And chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, does contain antioxidants which can help to mop up harmful free radicals – unstable chemicals that can damage our cells.

Dr Golomb and her team believe that antioxidant compounds, called catechins, can improve lean muscle mass and reduce weight – at least studies in rodents would suggest this might be so.

Mice fed for 15 days with epicatechin (present in dark chocolate) had improved exercise performance and observable changes to their muscle composition.

They say clinical trials are now needed in humans to see if this is the case.

But before you reach for a chocolate bar, there are still lots of unanswered questions. And in the absence of conclusive evidence, experts advise caution.

While there’s no harm in allowing yourself a treat like chocolate now and again, eating too much might be harmful because it often contains a lot of sugar and fat too.

And if you are looking to change your diet, you are likely to benefit most from eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Source: BBC News UK

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Gene Flaw Linked to Serious Flu Risk

Scientists have identified a genetic flaw that may explain why some people get more ill with flu than others.

Writing in Nature, the researchers said the variant of the IFITM3 gene was much more common in people hospitalised for flu than in the general population. It controls a malformed protein, which makes cells more susceptible to viral infection.

Scientists have identified a genetic flaw that may explain why some people get more ill with flu than others, IFITM3 gene, malformed protein, viral infection, flu jab, genetic databases, Paul Kellam of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Centre for Respiratory Infection at Imperial College London,

Gene flaw linked to serious flu risk

Experts said those with the flaw could be given the flu jab, like other at-risk groups.

Researchers removed the gene from mice. They found that when they developed flu, their symptoms were much worse than those seen in mice with the gene.

Evidence from genetic databases covering thousands of people showed the flawed version of the gene is present in around one in 400 people.

The scientists, who came from the UK and US, then sequenced the IFITM3 genes of 53 patients who were in hospital with flu.

Three were found to have the variant – a rate of one in 20. The researchers say these findings now need to be replicated in bigger studies. And they add it is probably only part of the genetic jigsaw that determines a person’s response to flu.

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First Clue

Professor Paul Kellam of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, who co-led the research, said: “At the moment, if someone is in a more vulnerable group because of co-morbidity [another health problem], they would be offered the flu vaccine.

“This is the idea here.” But he said having this variant would not make any difference to how people were treated.

Prof Kellam added: “Our research is important for people who have this variant as we predict their immune defences could be weakened to some virus infections.  “Ultimately as we learn more about the genetics of susceptibility to viruses, then people can take informed precautions, such as vaccination to prevent infection.”

Professor Peter Openshaw, director of the Centre for Respiratory Infection at Imperial College London, said: “This new discovery is the first clue from our detailed study of the devastating effects of flu in hospitalised patients. “It vindicates our conviction that there is something unusual about these patients.”

Sir Mark Walport, director of the Wellcome Trust, said: “During the recent swine flu pandemic, many people found it remarkable that the same virus could provoke only mild symptoms in most people, while, more rarely, threatening the lives of others.

“This discovery points to a piece of the explanation: genetic variations affect the way in which different people respond to infection. This important research adds to a growing scientific understanding that genetic factors affect the course of disease in more than one way. Genetic variations in a virus can increase its virulence, but genetic variations in that virus’s host – us – matter greatly as well.”

Source: BBC News UK

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Higher Birthweight Linked to Grandmother Gene

Scientists say a gene variation could contribute up to 155g (5.5oz) to a child’s birthweight.

The gene studied is believed to act as a growth suppressor, reducing birthweight.

But the UK-based researchers found a particular variant passed down from the mother can add 93g (3.3oz) to the birthweight, or 155g if passed down from the maternal grandmother.

Scientists say a gene variation could contribute to a child's birthweight, American Journal of Human Genetics, Professor Gudrun Moore of University College London, RS1, PHLDA2, DNA, epigenetics, Caroline Relton of Newcastle University, genetic factors,

Higher Birthweight Linked to Grandmother Gene

Details are published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Professor Gudrun Moore of University College London and colleagues looked at a gene called PHLDA2 in nearly 9,500 DNA samples taken from mothers and their babies, collected in three separate studies.

They found a gene variant called RS1 appeared to change the way in which the gene functioned, leading to higher birthweights.

“The gene is already known to have a profound effect on birthweight by acting as a growth suppressor,” Prof Moore told BBC News.  We have found a genetic variant of PHLDA2 that when inherited from the mother, causes the baby to be 93g bigger on average, or even 155g bigger on average, if inherited successively from the mother’s mother.”

The RS1 variation was found in around 13% of the individuals studied, with 87% possessing the RS2 variation.

“We suggest that the more common RS2 gene variation, which is only found in humans, has evolved to produce a smaller baby as a protective effect to enhance the mother’s survival during childbirth,” said Prof Moore.  Dad’s lack of involvement in evolutionary terms may stem from his own survival not being at stake and he can continue to reproduce with other females.”

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Gene Silenced

The PHLDA2 gene is unusual in that only the copy inherited from the mother is active, while the copy inherited from the father is “silenced”. This silencing of the paternal gene results from molecular processes around the DNA known as epigenetics.

Scientists do not know why, but have speculated that it is to ensure birthweight is reduced to ensure the mother survives childbirth.

Dr Caroline Relton of Newcastle University said: “Although this study looks only at birthweight as an outcome, it is possible that this genetic variant may have longer-term health consequences.

“Indeed the long-term health consequences associated with extremes of birthweight might be due in part to this and other contributory genetic factors.”

Source: BBC News UK

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Clue to Male Baldness Discovered

A biological clue to male baldness has been discovered, raising the prospect of a treatment to stop or even reverse thinning hair.

In studies of bald men and laboratory mice, US scientists pinpointed a protein that triggers hair loss.

A biological clue to male baldness has been discovered, treatment to stop or even reverse thinning hair, bald men, dermatology, research, study, scientists, science, drugs, journal Science Translational Medicine, male sex hormone testosterone, University of Pennsylvania, protein called prostaglandin D synthase, George Cotsarelis, of the department of dermatology, hair follicles,

Clue to Male Baldness Discovered

Drugs that target the pathway are already in development, they report in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

The research could lead to a cream to treat baldness. Most men start to go bald in middle age, with about 80% of men having some hair loss by the age of 70.

The male sex hormone testosterone plays a key role, as do genetic factors. They cause the hair follicles to shrink, eventually becoming so small that they are invisible, leading to the appearance of baldness.

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Reverse balding?

Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have analysed which genes are switched on when men start to go bald.

They found levels of a key protein called prostaglandin D synthase are elevated in the cells of hair follicles located in bald patches on the scalp, but not in hairy areas.

Mice bred to have high levels of the protein went completely bald, while transplanted human hairs stopped growing when given the protein.

Prof George Cotsarelis, of the department of dermatology, who led the research, said: “Essentially we showed that prostaglandin protein was elevated in the bald scalp of men and that it inhibited hair growth. So we identified a target for treating male-pattern baldness.

“The next step would be to screen for compounds that affect this receptor and to also find out whether blocking that receptor would reverse balding or just prevent balding – a question that would take a while to figure out.”

The inhibition of hair growth is triggered when the protein binds to a receptor on the cells of hair follicles, said Prof Cotsarelis.

Several known drugs that target this pathway have already been identified, he added, including some that are in clinical trials.

The researchers say there is potential for developing a treatment that can be applied to the scalp to prevent baldness and possibly help hair regrow.

Source: BBC News UK

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Will we ever Grow Replacement Hands?

It might seem unbelievable, but researchers can grow organs in the laboratory. There are patients walking around with body parts which have been designed and built by doctors out of a patient’s own cells.

Over the past few weeks on the BBC News website we have looked at the potential for bionic body parts and artificial organs to repair the human body. Now we take a look at “growing-your-own”.

There is a pressing need. A shortage of available organs means many die on waiting lists and those that get an organ must spend a lifetime on immunosuppressant drugs to avoid rejection.

researchers can grow organs in the laboratory. There are patients walking around with body parts which have been designed and built by doctors out of a patient's own cells, BBC News, bionic body parts and artificial organs, immunosuppressant drugs, Dr Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina, US, building bladders and urethras,

Is the idea of growing hands a myth or a far-off reality

The idea is that using a patient’s own stem cells to grow new body parts avoids the whole issue of rejection as well as waiting for a donor.

Dr Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina, US, has made breakthroughs in building bladders and urethras.

He breaks tissue-building into four levels of complexity. Flat structures, such as the skin, are the simplest to engineer as they are generally made up of just the one type of cell.

Tubes, such as blood vessels and urethras, which have two types of cells and act as a conduit. Hollow non-tubular organs like the bladder and the stomach, which have more complex structures and functions.

Solid organs, such as the kidney, heart and liver, are the most complex to engineer. They are exponentially more complex, have many different cell types, and more challenges in the blood supply.

“We’ve been able to implant the first three in humans. We don’t have any examples yet of solid organs in humans because its much more complex,” Dr Atala told the BBC.

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Bladder builders

His technique for growing bladders starts with taking a tissue sample, about half the size of a postage stamp, from the bladder that is being repaired.

Over about a month, the cells are grown in the laboratory in large quantities. Meanwhile a scaffold in the shape of the organ, or part of the organ, being replaced is built.

“We coat the scaffold, basically like creating a layer cake. We place the cells on the structure one layer at a time with the cells in the correct positions,” Dr Atala said.

The cake is then “baked” for a two weeks in an oven, which has the same conditions as the inside of the human body. The new bladder is then ready to be implanted back into the body.

Eventually the scaffold is absorbed by the body, leaving the cells in place. Building a scaffold for the bladder is one thing, building one for the heart is far more complicated. One of the problems when you move to larger organs is the getting the blood supply to work, connecting arteries, capillaries and veins to keep the organ alive.

growing bladders, tissue sample, scaffold, blood supply, connecting arteries, capillaries and veins, decellularisation, Prof Martin Birchall, a surgeon at University College London, enzymes and detergents break down, collagens and elastins, proteins, windpipe, oesophagus and diaphragm, urethra, Dr Doris Taylor, Texas Heart Institute, decellurisation technique on rats hearts, Wake Forest researchers, liver organoids, Bioprinting, transplantation,

A bladder scaffold is used to hold together the new structure

It is why some researchers are investigating “decellularisation” – taking an existing donated organ, stripping out the original cells and replacing them with new cells from the patient who will receive the organ.

Prof Martin Birchall, a surgeon at University College London, has been involved in a number of windpipe transplants performed in this way.

The technique starts with a donor windpipe which is then effectively put through a washing machine. Repeated cycles of enzymes and detergents break down and wash away the host cells.

What is left behind is a web of proteins, mostly collagens and elastins, which give the windpipe its structure. It would look and feel like a windpipe, just without cells – a natural scaffold.

The next steps are very similar to those for making the bladder. Stem cells are taken, this time from bone marrow, and grown in a lab before being layered onto the scaffold.

The first patient was fitted with one of these windpipes in Spain in 2008.

Prof Birchall said: “We’ve made some inroads by starting with the windpipe. We’re looking at some other tissues now like the oesophagus and diaphragm and overseas the big breakthroughs have been in building the bladder and urethra.

“Those are the areas in which immediate breakthroughs have occurred, but I see a raft of further first-in-man studies in other organs happening in the next five years.”


There are already strong hints of what the next steps could be. Dr Doris Taylor, who is about to move to the Texas Heart Institute, has used the decellurisation technique on rats’ hearts and produced beating organs.

The cells were stripped away leaving a “ghost heart” and were then injected with heart cells. Eight days later the heart was beating, albeit at just 2% of normal heart function.

She said the technique could “absolutely” be used on any organ that had a blood supply. She told the BBC: “It’s not science fiction any more, but moving that to more complex organs is the challenge ahead of us.”

Other groups have also produced miniature organs or “organoids”. They are not the full-blown thing, but they perform the same functions at a smaller scale.

Wake Forest researchers have produced liver organoids which can break down drugs.

Dr Atala said: “The challenge for us is – how do we scale up?” Bioprinting, just like an office printer except it “prints” cells layer by layer, has been used to “print” a kidney.

While these findings are a very long way from making it into hospitals, if indeed they ever do, the scientists involved are convinced these techniques will come good.

“The vision has to be tempered by the past and the number of false dawns that have occurred,” Prof Birchall said. But I genuinely do believe stem-cell technologies and tissue engineering is going to completely transform healthcare delivery in the future. I see it incrementally reaching out to replace transplantation. The writing is on the wall for it to do wonderful things.”

Dr Atala said: “The strategies are out there to someday be able to target every organ in the body we are not there yet. We are nowhere near there yet. But the goal of the field is to keep on advancing the number of tissues that we can target.”

Of course growing a hand is even more challenging than anything being tried in laboratories so far. Will it ever be possible?

“You never say never, but certainly it’s something I will most likely not see in my lifetime,” Dr Atala concluded.

Source: BBC News UK

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