Biomedical Science

A 3D printer-created lower jaw has been fitted to an 83-year-old woman's face in what doctors say is the first operation of its kind

Transplant Jaw made by 3D Printer Claimed as First

A 3D printer-created lower jaw has been fitted to an 83-year-old woman’s face in what doctors say is the first operation of its kind.

The transplant was carried out in June in the Netherlands and was made out of titanium powder – heated and fused together by a laser, one layer at a time.

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Watermelon found to be source of salmonella outbreak, A salmonella outbreak has affected 35 people in the UK, health experts have revealed, Health Protection Agency (HPA), salmonella infection and symptoms include diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever, Dr Paul Wigley, at the University of Liverpool, PA and the Food Standards Agency, Medical News, Health News, Articles, Blogs, Doctor News, Nursing News, GP News, BBC, Yahoo, Nutrition, Lifestyle, Diabetes, Heart, Swine Flu, Cancer, Mental Health, Neurology, Medical Health, BBC News, UK, Yahoo Health News. Medical Recruitment Agency, Nurse Jobs, Doctor Jobs, GP Jobs, Physiotherapy Jobs, Cardiology Jobs, Biomedical Science Jobs, Occupational therapy Jobs, optometry Jobs, Pharmacy Jobs, radiography Jobs, operation theatre Jobs, management Jobs, dental Jobs, dentists Jobs, Dentistry Jobs, Locum Agency, Medical Vacancy, career, opportunity, Employment

Watermelon Found to be Source of Salmonella Outbreak

A salmonella outbreak linked to watermelons has affected 35 people in the UK, health experts have revealed.

One person has died, although they had serious underlying health issues.

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Human stem cells help blind rats, optometry, research, glaucoma, journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, nerves in the eye, University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital, retinal ganglion cells, cornea transplant, retinal ganglion cells, National Institute for Health Research centre at Moorfields,

Human Stem Cells Help Blind Rats

Stem cells taken from the back of a human eye have restored some vision to blind rats, according to researchers.

They say the findings could help treat blindness, caused by glaucoma, if similar results can be repeated in humans. Read more


researchers can grow organs in the laboratory. There are patients walking around with body parts which have been designed and built by doctors out of a patient's own cells, BBC News, bionic body parts and artificial organs, immunosuppressant drugs, Dr Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina, US, building bladders and urethras,

Will we ever Grow Replacement Hands?

It might seem unbelievable, but researchers can grow organs in the laboratory. There are patients walking around with body parts which have been designed and built by doctors out of a patient’s own cells.

Over the past few weeks on the BBC News website we have looked at the potential for bionic body parts and artificial organs to repair the human body. Now we take a look at “growing-your-own”.

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Scientists have identified a genetic flaw that may explain why some people get more ill with flu than others, IFITM3 gene, malformed protein, viral infection, flu jab, genetic databases, Paul Kellam of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Centre for Respiratory Infection at Imperial College London,

Gene flaw linked to serious flu risk

Scientists have identified a genetic flaw that may explain why some people get more ill with flu than others.

Writing in Nature, the researchers said the variant of the IFITM3 gene was much more common in people hospitalised for flu than in the general population.

It controls a malformed protein, which makes cells more susceptible to viral infection.

Experts said those with the flaw could be given the flu jab, like other at-risk groups.

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US face transplant gives man new jaw, teeth and tongue, University of Maryland, gun accident, Iraq and Afghanistan, US Navy, Eduardo Rodriguez, spain, surgeon, surtgery,

US Face Transplant gives Man new Jaw, Teeth and Tongue

US doctors have carried out what they say is the most extensive face transplant ever performed.

The operation at the University of Maryland gave Richard Norris a new face, including jaw, teeth and tongue.

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The UK Biobank, the most comprehensive health study in the UK, is opening its doors to researchers, 20TB terabytes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, England's chief medical officer, Dame Sally Davies, blood pressure, pulse rate, height, weight, body fat and lung function, and provided blood, saliva and urine samples, Professor Sir Rory Collins, principal investigator at the biobank, Prof Dame Sally Davies, chief medical officer and chief scientific adviser at the Department of Health, The biobank is funded by the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, Department of Health, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the British Heart Foundation,

UK Biobank Opens to Researchers

The UK Biobank, the most comprehensive health study in the UK, is opening its doors to researchers.

It has collated about 20TB (terabytes) of securely stored data, the equivalent of 30,000 CDs-worth, on 500,000 people. Read more


Gene clue to post-traumatic stress disorder risk, gene variants, DNA, symptoms of PTSD, Journal of Affective Disorders, natural disaster or because of child abuse or sexual assault, flashbacks, feeling emotionally numb or hyper-alert to danger, Trauma, Armenian earthquake, Armenia, Soviet Union, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers, TPH1 and TPH2, Armen Goenjian, a research professor of psychiatry, serotonin, Psychologist Dr Jennifer Wild, antidepressants SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors),

Gene Clue to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Risk

Susceptibility to post-traumatic stress disorder could be partially determined by gene variants, says a study.

A US team looked at the DNA from 200 members of 12 families who survived the 1988 Armenian earthquake. Read more


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